by Alice M. Konyves from different sources and
There are many ways of getting information from our “super conscious” which is our energy directly hooked into Creation. Because we are Creation.
All clairvoyants, mediums and in the old days, prophets attain their information from the Akashic Records which is embedded into our DNA.
There is a veil between our conscious and superconscious mind. Meaning, the majority of humans do not consciously remember their past lives. Those who do are today’s mediums and clairvoyants. We have now stepped into the Age of Aquarius and are at the beginning of the process of “ascension to the 4th density. The veil is beginning to lift especially for those who are spiritually oriented, do regular meditations are older souls and who desire to ascend to the 4thdensity.
There has to be at least a 51% desire on your part to go into the 4th density.
The opportunity to ascend to the 4th density comes around as the world enters into different ages. We entered the Age of Aquarius on December 21, 2012.
The 4th Density means much lighter bodies, probably no need for food, mental communications, perfect health, availability of unlimited knowledge and wisdom, peace in the world, no more killing, much, much beauty around, being surrounded by love, yet much, much more yet to learn as we move forward on our paths.
The 4th density is a higher dimension than our 3rd dimension that we are living in right now. In order to ascend to the 4th density the body has to go through a recalibration process, meaning that our cellular structure, our physical body with the billions and billions of cells will have to be recalibrated to a higher vibrational state and indeed our bodies will become much lighter.
This recalibration process can be started by simply including it in your daily meditation, literally asking every cell in your body to start the process, explaining what your ultimate purpose is: to be able to ascend to the 4th density. Each of our cells contain our DNA, so when you speak to your cellular structure/body, you are also speaking to your DNA. We can change our DNA through meditation. When we meditate we are most likely at the Alpha level of mind which is the subconscious level.
One of the ways to practice clairvoyance (clear vision) and acquiring past life or any other information related to our existence is through “lucid dreaming”.
Having a lucid dream means that the dreamer is aware that he, she is in a dream. During the dream the dreamer has the ability to control the events in the dream. The ultimate purpose asking for lucid dreams prior to falling asleep is to learn and practice how to “create”. It is important that:
1. You ask for a lucid dream along with protection while you are dreaming
2. That you write them down as soon as you wake out of the dream
3. You ask for understanding/comprehension as to the meaning of the dreams, gaining an inner knowing of the symbolisms of the dream.
To test if you are in a lucid dream when you are in the dream look around, focus on an item within the dream, a person or scenery. Next, look away for about 3 seconds, then turn back, and if the item you focused on has changed you know you are in a lucid dream.
Once the lucid dreams are occurring the dreamer then can start practicing “creation”. Why would anyone want to do that?
In a lucid dream you are in a thought responsive environment, you are in Manifest Universe.
You can create anything, a race car you always wanted, a new job, money, you can be anyplace, you can fly, you can create a soulmate, etc. This practice will allow your mind and spirit to believe and accept at your very core level the fact that you are Creator the same Creator who created you. You are God, you are the Universe, you have the same powers and indeed you are at one with the Creator. You were never separate.
So it is your responsibility to re-train your entire belief system and accept on your deepest soul level that you and God are one and shed the millions of years of brainwashing and punishment that made you believe that you are less, that you are separate and that you are just a sinner.
Once you come out of the dream and written it down meditate on the implications. Look for messages, key words, they are there, and remember, everything and everyone in the dream is you.
It is most important that you capture the data in the dream. The landscape in your dreams represents your personality. It is like walking through your soul.
In addition to the desire to ascend to the 4th density there need to be preparations:
1. Belief that you are at one with the Universe
2. Believe and accept that you are the Creator
3. Meditate on auditing your thoughts: for example:
a. How many times do you have loving thoughts during a day? The majority of times we should have positive thoughts. Become aware of them.
b. Describe some of them and compliment yourself for having them.
c. Were they service oriented? Were they genuinely complimentary? Were they compassionate? Did you give a positive answer to a negative statement or question?
d. Was service freely given? Without expectations?
e. Are you part of the thought process? What is your part? Are you directing loving thoughts towards yourself?
When you have consciously unloving thoughts that is what creates Karma.
You should know that there are “psychopaths” amongst us.
4% are men, 2% are women. Most are non-violent. What happens with these people is that their brains’ frontal lobe shuts down for a variety of reasons.
They look for people like us. They are users, victims, without compassion or feelings; they are only interested in what they want. They can be very crafty and smart and they are mostly very negative. They have a great need or hunger for other people’s energy.
You need to protect yourself from these negative energies. They can wind us into negative energy grids to have control over us.
This is what you can do to protect yourself.
Create a tool, physical or mental. Something like a “magic wand”, (like Harry Potter’s wand) even a knife, whatever appeals to you. This magic wand represents your “tool of light” and once you create it, it is always available to you.
When you sit down to meditate in addition to having a candle lit, sageing your general area, and using essential oil or similar scents to rub on your hands and then with your hands circle it around your body, from now on have your “tool of light” at hand.
As part of your meditation process, say, that now I am cutting the negative energy grids around my body. Physically, go through the actual cutting motions, up and down your body and across also. As you do this you will have a feeling of breaking free from something, you will feel free and you will be able to breathe much easier.
Thank the Universe for the ability to do this and you may want to ad that “I just cut the negative controlling grid around me yet I did not cut the love I may have for a particular person who may have created this grid around me.” (This is based on your particular relationship or situation. Remember, love should flow freely, even towards your enemies.)
You may notice right away that these people in your life will back off. Cool off, may want to leave because you just cut the controlling cord and stopped the flow of your energy for them.
And now set out to create your “Rainbow Body Activation”.
It takes place in your pineal gland, which is located in your physical brain. The pineal gland is your crown chakra energy center located on the top of your head.
To activate your “crown chakra” during meditation cover your eyes with a bandana or something similar being that this practice should be done in dark. As you sit there, in your mind create a “stargate halo” covered with beautiful sparkling crystals over your head and visualize pure white energy pouring in from above through your crown chakra into your body. Feel the enormous power of the flow as it truly energizes you.
Know that as you get older the pineal gland can get calcified. To avoid this make sure you have a good healthy diet, drink lots of alkaline water, become vegetarian if you can, eat lots of vegetables, mostly organic food if it is possible for you.
A good source of protein is eggs with dark orange yolks, fish liver oil, Omega 3 oils, and if you need to eat beef, try bison meat. That is the only meat in the US that is not processed. Stay away from chemicals as much as you can, including “fluorides”. Fluorides shut down the pineal gland. Today you can easily get toothpaste without fluorides. Just do it. Read all the labels on your groceries. Get NON-GMO products.
To activate your “head chakra” or your “third eye” in the center of your forehead just above your nose, during meditation, cover your eyes with a bandana and desire to see beautiful purple colors as you focus your attention on your forehead.
You may have already done this. If you regularly see the sparkling, beautiful purples your third eye chakra is open. As time goes by you will notice that you become more intuitive, psychic and clairvoyant. That is where you want to be. This is the time when the veil begins to lift.
Always meditate in love for positive help including for those who are negative especially around you.
Ask yourself the question: Who is causing the most negative effect in my life?
You can make a list and then send them love and light.
This is the procedure: Ho'oponopono in Four Simple Steps:
2. I’M SORRY. Remember, you are responsible for everything in your mind.
3. PLEASE FORGIVE ME. Don’t worry about who you’re asking. Just ask!
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